Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Gates of an asylum..

The gates of an asylum opened,
as if doors of some dam were broken,
shackles of emptiness freed,
loneliness finally done with it’s greed…
Who ever thought, I could be the one,
daring to break the rules, just for fun…. 
Only a few months back,
there was this me,
lost completely on my way,
the vague directions faraway….
Utterly disappointed, completely shaken,
my words at loss, for a few hearts broken……
But the black curtains were finally raised,
all my dark scars faded, if not erased…..
And all my thanks to that one fine day,
The gates of an asylum opened…..

Dreams when broken...

Dreams when broken, don’t give us pain,
it really turns us to tatters, once realized that they are broken,…
The sweet fairyland towards which we were driven,
stays with fairies & tinkers, in dreams once believed…
Reality slaps us with it’s cruel hand, crushing the delicate eyelashes which smelt of our dreams……
Tears make no sense now,
they just don’t serve the purpose……………
What is lost, is lost forever…
Surely a thing of drear,
We won’t have them back ever…………….!!