Monday 18 May 2020

Men are just supposed to know everything, aren't they?

Sitting at home these past few months, and being forced to face my own thoughts, it's after long that I have gathered the courage to write about something that actually charged me up, made me feel that maybe even one voice regarding this is enough contribution- even if it gets drowned in millions of other voices on the subject. Because the millions of other voices haven't heard my story, haven't walked my footsteps. 

Some of the recent conversations I had, incidents I witnessed, led me to think, how deeply have years of societal conditioning affected us. For example, let's take the whole fundamental and big rite of passage in the lives of every LGBTQIA community person we know- "coming out." Do straight people announce it to their friends & family that they are straight? I understand the novelty of acceptance might have led to the need for this being highlighted, but isn't that the effect of society thinking for us?

The ruling emotion for most of us is fear- fear of being treated differently because of who you are, fear of accepting one's natural orientation, fear of being called names for something you did/ didn't do, fear of gaining or losing weight, fear of marrying late or marrying early, fear of not looking cool if we don't use women abusing expletives even if it makes us uncomfortable at the beginning/ even if we know we won't use it in front of our parents or children because we know its wrong, fear of talking too much or talking too less, fear of making it in life or failing to do so, fear of being looked at as an outcast or of not being looked at as someone different. We are always worried about doing something or not doing something- and even if brazenly deny, we do it according to the definitions given by the society. 

I am not against the general guideline-qualifying society men.. oops. human beings formed so that we live cordially as a group. I am against the society which is so deeprooted in our minds, that even subconsciously we are forced to conform to it even if it hurts our very core. 

The situation is so bad that it has deteriorated not only the foundations of humanity but our homes, and our beds. Women feel guilt every time they turn down a guy in bed even if it's because they don't feel like it, but men, on the other hand, might feel awkward sharing the same bed after turning down women, but they won't lose sleep over it. Don't you think, on a deep subconscious level, this slightly is because women have been conditioned to please men and not care about their own happiness? I am surprised at the number of well respected and successful women who treat themselves as caretakers of their bodies, which most of them feel the need to be kept clean (read waxed & plasticized) so that they don't disgust men, even if men are okay with it. Women haven't learned to accept themselves as they are, and there's a lot of shame regarding their own bodies, their body parts- not that they aren't proud of themselves, it's just that they are afraid of the attention it would attract, and who needs it! It's not only women, but men are also under a lot of societal pressure with respect to their bodies, and performance. They have been conditioned to think that lasting longer in bed means that they are good in bed, so much so that it messes with their minds & psyche. But did anyone wait & ask- says who? 

No, they didn't. Men are just supposed to know everything, aren't they? The silent brooding father heroes, the problem solver husbands, boyfriends who mysteriously sweep in to solve issues of their damsels- in all our imaginations, they are the ideal men- aren't they? Don't get me wrong, I am not saying damsels can't solve their issues, I am saying, even if they can, they expect the men around them to do it for them. It makes them feel pampered they say. Does that translate to women feeling safe when men are around to help them because men are superior to them? And not to mention, the men getting burdened with taking care of an extra set of problems- like he's supposed to do that. Ladies, if you can't do it for him, don't expect him to do it for you (and vice versa too).

And mind you, I have not yet once touched any aspect that might be related to inherent differences between a man & a woman. I know they exist. But what I am trying to say is, there are already deep rooted roles for a man and a woman in our minds, and we need to start looking past it. We need to start thinking for ourselves and start talking about some things that are currently left untouched. And moreover, we need to let everyone know- it's okay to do so. It's okay to have fears, and insecurities and failures. We all know its good to win, but we don't know what to do if we don't. It's okay to think about it too- it is in no way undermining your "positivity,"; at most what it does is put your incessant fears to rest, allowing you to focus.

I have some great people around me. Right from my family to my circle of friends & colleagues- all of them are different personalities, and most of them are pretty logical & inspirational people. But even so, there have been times when some of their actions have been a bit disrespectful. And the worst part of it was, they did it unknowingly. They aren't any major things- small things like using sister or mother abusing swears, completing sentences for women without realizing they were doing so, addressing a mail as Sir when gender is unknown, objectifying women body parts, making fun of "men" who dared to accept their feelings, issues, insecurities in public while in private, these same people could cry buckets over a Disney movie, commenting about physical appearances of your friends/relatives- asking them to gain, lose weight- of course, as "friendly advice for our benefit"- but people commenting on other's bodies are deeply negatively shaping the minds of our youngsters. But open conversations at least made them realize that some of these things were uncomfortable to respective people.

It is only when we open up and talk about these things especially to our peers, and the kids around us, will certain wheels roll in our favor. We finally may move to a world where our fathers are not hesitant to hug their own daughters, where they are allowed to show emotions, where a guy crying in a movie doesn't get an aww reaction from girls, where we can tell our family that we do hang out with the opposite gender, and they don't worry about it, where we don't hush our male friends when our parents call. If we don't start talking about these issues, even we as a generation won't be able to make much of an impact in raising our kids as humans instead of a boy & a girl. They don't need to just blindly learn what movies & advertisements teach them- they can learn and think and talk. I look at the cartoons, and the content, mannerisms kids are exposed to nowadays, and I dread the effect it might be having on them. I am more afraid of the takeaways they might be taking from this. 

Society has conditioned us so much that even thinking for oneself; defining your own definitions for abstract things, for what matters to you is a breakthrough. This quarantine has given every one of us time to face our thoughts, listen to the small voice inside your head- it always guides you. It did rebut you when you stared at someone for way too long, or when you kissed when you didn't want to, didn't it? Trust the voice inside you. It may seem like the whole world's against you, but if it keeps you happy, sane & it gives you peace, go ahead, and believe in it. Of course, if it's something immoral or illegal, you probably will end up in jail, but then again, that's a story for another day!

And don't only listen to that voice, talk about what it tells you also. It will help you and others around you to stay on track. Every time you decide to not voice your opinion, it's some battle lost. The loss is for the world, or for you obviously depends on the rationale behind your opinions. But living with some highly opinionated people throughout my life, have opened my mind towards things I was unsure of, it has helped me accept myself and others around me in a better capacity. Please feel free to strike up a conversation regarding any of this on Would be happy to indulge in your theories, or listen to your stories :)!!

And next time, when some woofer plays, Jaha see hona chahiye, wahi se h tu thick- please do enjoy the beats, and don't block the lyrics, but know that this shouldn't be normalized, so that people around you are sensitized too! 

Sunday 3 May 2020

What a Wonderful Life!

Days pass by at once,
In a daze...
I am working I say,
To my dearest mom,
who calls me every night,
without fail.

Weeks pass by,
without me even noticing,
I exclaim, salary already?
Didn't the month just start...
And I go back,
To the thing I do, everyday..

And don't get me wrong,
I do love doing what I do,
There are days,
when I am teensy bit proud,
of how I replied to some mail,
or how I handled a disaster..

But it hits real hard,
when months go by,
And I don't realise...
I am working I say,
almost every time,
To all my lovely friends-
who are the best thing in my life,
always have been...

Now, years have gone by,
and I have reminisced,
didn't I just join?
And all this for what?
Getting a life when I can't enjoy,
the one that I have right now...

But you see,
I can only see the wonderful people,
because I have a life without them,
for comparison...
Maybe, it's better this way,
And any which way,
this is the only way I have known...
I can't imagine an otherwise,
any which way.

And if it doesn't work out in the end,
well, I do have some loved ones to go back to...
Maybe, with all this time passing in a daze,
it's good that I had time to watch re-runs,
of "What a wonderful life!"