Wednesday, 1 December 2021


Never thought I would experience this, 
the love I read about..

I knew about the love that kept one up at night,
About the love that gave you butterflies everytime you saw them..

But the love that lets you sleep peacefully
the love that gives you goosebumps,
the love that makes you wanna do better,
the love that makes you question a lot of things...

Change a lot of things...
And I blame this love for all the questions..

There are so many questions, 
I need answers to, 
But I am too scared to ask..
Scared of the pour it might bring on me..
Scared that the rains might not feel magical..

Am I just a good company?
Or am I magic for you...

Am I good enough for you?
Or I am someone you ever dreamt of..

Am I what you wanted? 
Or I am someone you settled for..

Am I even close to being as good as her?
Or am I just too similar to her...

Because I might be enjoying the rains through my window here,
Probably imagining myself on clouds,...

But I don't want someone who made the thunders & lightening bearable, 
to settle...
To not feel what I do,
Because this feels amazing, and everyone deserves it..

Even then, I will try my best, to not ask,
if I am the rainbow on a sunny cloudy day,
Or I am just the rains spluttering incessantly at your window?

Because for once,
I want to be selfish,
And curb my curiosity...

Maybe some thoughts are like the incessant rains,
which just cause trouble and nothing else...

I am ready to face the floods that it might bring on,
even if it's only for the momentary satisfaction

Of calling you & me, an Us & a We!!