Wednesday, 20 August 2014

The ones who keep you on track.. ;)

Sometimes in life, you get off track, you forget what you can achieve, what you once upon a time wanted to be when you grow up. You get so surrounded by the usual things, the unnecessary day to day intricacies that you just start believing the obstacles that come to your way then, the worries that haunt you then, the joys, the peace you experience then to be real, to be the limit you can reach to. And you start living with it, isn't it ??
In school we all wanted to be actors, astronauts (I wanted to be the youngest one going out in space and first one to step on some moon.. This childhood I tell you.. :P), cricketers, and what not... Yes, go ahead and remind yourself of the times when you thought about no barrier.. You could conquer the world.. And then we passed out of our schools leaving this boldness of childish dreams there. Junior college, time of "Realistic dreams".. We all knew we could crack JEE or AIIMS entrance. We prepared for it seriously, so damn seriously that a major part of day went in planning for the life after graduation from IIT/ AIIMS. Happens, part and parcel of life. That doesn't mean we didn't study, we did. Some made it. Some thought just if I had solved this one question and didn't fake a few a those, I would be there.. Chalo, ho gaya ye bhi abhi.
Now, we are almost 18, and in our senior college. We start doing cool things, waise bhi kya ukhad liya studious banke, restrict karke.. Yehi time he.. Let's have the time of our life. We bunk lectures, we celebrate birthdays and small events, we take our first sip of the medicine that makes us go "All-is-Well", we try and put ourselves in as much emotional turbulence we can. May it be issues from back home, issues about the guy/ gal we like/ love, or may it be career related issues. We push ourselves to the extent that we finally start believing the thing called "destiny". ( Okay now, no further life story, am at this stage now.. :D )

This is the usual scenario. At a point we feel we can't be different than the creatures that come and leave with no mark left behind them. We are normal beings, all we can best do is look out for ourselves, our family, have a 9-5 job or maybe a small start up, travel a few places around in the lifetime which we manage to afford, and that's it how life's going to be....

But sometimes, some people are just blessed to have a few people around, the people with dreams, colleagues with ambitions. People with an urge to learn something new with every given opportunity, to develop themselves for their sake. Ones who want to evolve as individuals, ones who still have those hopes, that faith in themselves, that belief on their capacities. People who haven't yet given up on their dreams. People who keep on reaching heights, who keep on dreaming and who don't leave the ones around them behind, neither do they climb up pulling down someone. People with morals, ethics, principles...

People who actually are kind according to general definition of 'kind'.. ( with no discriminations I meant.. ;) ), understanding and encouraging. The folks who are proud if you are aware about what's going on around, ones who strengthen your resolve to keep yourself updated with happenings around. These buddies remind you about the person you used to be, the good qualities that you are leaving behind in your daily run for lectures, labs, emotional stability and politics. They treasure you more than you do your self worth. And then one day you realize, you gotta do something, if not for yourselves, for the people who still have that faith in you. You can still pass any obstacle as long as these friends are around, you can still conquer the world in the field you want.

 I am glad I have such people around whom I can look up to if I start doubting my capabilities, if I find myself as someone who's going to go for a stable marriage and kids and a job. Then these are the people who mysteriously come, comfort me, console me, but don't leave without spurring me up again. Maybe by their words, by their actions. And these lil tricks never fail. Once again I decide which is the most practical track to run on,  and just shoot off.. crossing the hurdles coming in my way. I know if I ever look back I won't regret leaving that track behind, and if I look aside I will find few of those people running beside. And a few ahead of me to warn about the hurdles. Everything around systematically woven.. With my life pulled together.

I know everyone's got such jewels. Treasure them, polish them if they gloom up, they need you as much as you need them. And yes, even though I agree no relation's selfless, it's not always about give and take, sometimes it's just about the presence... And never underestimate that presence. It can get you back your boldness of childish dreams that you left behind.. ;) And then if you consciously start listening to the small voice of your heart, you know, I know, there's no looking back... :)

So just shoot off amigos, with at least such a "one" as your company .. !!
alles Gute.. ;) !!

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