Saturday, 7 July 2018

Thunderbolt !!

Thunderbolt they said it was,
Which rarely happens, once in a lifetime for the fortunate ones..
Something the Italians ardently wish for & believe in,
But they didn't talk about, what after?

Thunderbolt they said it was,
When love strikes you like a lightening,
something so powerful and intense,
that you can't deny what it asks,
But no one knew, what if we had to deny?

Thunderbolt they said it was,
That spills your soul out for the world to see,
Something that turns one inside out,
But no one advised, what if we were trampled on?

Thunderbolt they said it was,
What Dominique felt for Howard,
what just-a-girl felt for a bookshop owner,
Something that makes everything else seem trivial
But no one knew, what if it wasn't acknowledged?

Thunderbolt it is, they say,
When a moment's enough to know,
this is someone I need in my life,
Thunderbolt it is, they say,
Apparently because,
The surge is enough to leave a forever scar,
or, it is enough to jump off in a leap of faith,

Thunderbolt it is, they say,
Apparently because,

One way or the other,
life's never the same again!!

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