Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Heart wants what it wants!!

There are times, when I feel there are a million pieces of me,
each one worried about something or the other,
each one working on this or that...
And I love it when I can feel so,
But there are times when I want that one embrace,
that can put me together,
even if it is for a moment...
So I can get the strength I need to continue..

I don't know if I will ever find it,
I don't know if I will ever have it..
I just hope these expectations of how I want it to be,
These fears and hopes which have molded my ideas;
my ideas of how it should be for me to be happy..
Don't end up spoiling what comes my way..

And don't get me wrong,
I in no way mean anything to be superior or inferior to the other,
What I get might be better than what I want,
But you see,
the heart wants what it wants!!

It's just that, no one ever taught me to consider what if what I want,
and what I love are different,
I never stopped to think that the other person might have some ideas too,
I just assumed it would fit,
like in the movies.
Maybe, the embrace I am looking for,
is the one they have just before "The End"
And I never stopped to think,
there's a whole life waiting to happen,
after "The End"!!

Sunday, 8 September 2019

The Sunrise!!

There are times when I am overwhelmed,
by how great we could be..
also, btw, about how great we are..

Until now,
when I had decided to hold myself back,
I could just live with whatever's coming my way..

But now, even the thought of us being together,
makes me want to demand more from you,
makes me want to expect more from you..

I know, I know,
I am pretty sure that's not what you signed up for..
So I am giving you this head's up..

I can assure you, life won't be boring,
but there maybe times when I don't want to talk,
or I am restless (which is atleast few times a day)

I can assure you, times will just glide by,
but there maybe times when you wouldn't know what to do with me,
or you would pull out your hair.

I can assure you, I will always be there for you,
but there maybe times when I don't want you to be there,
or when I want you to- but I won't ask for it.

Honey, I can assure you about a lot of things,
and mark those red flags out in open for you..
But I have realized, it won't matter...
None of it will matter, if we hold ourselves back...

So, I don't know what kind of life to expect,
I don't know what I will get,
All I know is, right now,
I want to spend some of it with you in the most cliched way-
Under starry skys, wrapped up in your arms,
talking about anything & nothing till the sunrise...
A sunrise that will make me savor the moment in satisfaction,
unconcerned about what the tomorrow will bring !!