Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Heart wants what it wants!!

There are times, when I feel there are a million pieces of me,
each one worried about something or the other,
each one working on this or that...
And I love it when I can feel so,
But there are times when I want that one embrace,
that can put me together,
even if it is for a moment...
So I can get the strength I need to continue..

I don't know if I will ever find it,
I don't know if I will ever have it..
I just hope these expectations of how I want it to be,
These fears and hopes which have molded my ideas;
my ideas of how it should be for me to be happy..
Don't end up spoiling what comes my way..

And don't get me wrong,
I in no way mean anything to be superior or inferior to the other,
What I get might be better than what I want,
But you see,
the heart wants what it wants!!

It's just that, no one ever taught me to consider what if what I want,
and what I love are different,
I never stopped to think that the other person might have some ideas too,
I just assumed it would fit,
like in the movies.
Maybe, the embrace I am looking for,
is the one they have just before "The End"
And I never stopped to think,
there's a whole life waiting to happen,
after "The End"!!

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