Sunday, 3 May 2020

What a Wonderful Life!

Days pass by at once,
In a daze...
I am working I say,
To my dearest mom,
who calls me every night,
without fail.

Weeks pass by,
without me even noticing,
I exclaim, salary already?
Didn't the month just start...
And I go back,
To the thing I do, everyday..

And don't get me wrong,
I do love doing what I do,
There are days,
when I am teensy bit proud,
of how I replied to some mail,
or how I handled a disaster..

But it hits real hard,
when months go by,
And I don't realise...
I am working I say,
almost every time,
To all my lovely friends-
who are the best thing in my life,
always have been...

Now, years have gone by,
and I have reminisced,
didn't I just join?
And all this for what?
Getting a life when I can't enjoy,
the one that I have right now...

But you see,
I can only see the wonderful people,
because I have a life without them,
for comparison...
Maybe, it's better this way,
And any which way,
this is the only way I have known...
I can't imagine an otherwise,
any which way.

And if it doesn't work out in the end,
well, I do have some loved ones to go back to...
Maybe, with all this time passing in a daze,
it's good that I had time to watch re-runs,
of "What a wonderful life!"

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