Sunday, 12 July 2015

Wanna talk,. ?? "talk.. ;)" !!

Hello peoplez.. Today when I thought of writing, I wanted to write something about my family, my parents, about my mom who works day and night, and never stops worrying about us all the while, whom I manage to piss off even when I go home for as less as 15 days by acting unreasonably. I thought I would write about my dad, my pillar of strength, who never lets any problem within his reach to even touch me, one who trusts me even after all the screw ups. I wanted to write about how inadequate, ashamed I feel now when I think back. Even though they don't read these blogs (probably) I wanted to write everything I wanted to say to them, but then I realised, there are somethings which have no short cut. As a few days ago I confessed to a friend, I will try and make "the moments" as sacred as they ought to be by avoiding these means of expression, nothing like talking it out or saying it face to face, and I am trying to stick to it irrespective of the hindrances.. :P

Scary, isn't it.. :P But trust me folks, it's totally worth it. When you hear yourself say what you want to, to the concerned person, everytime you do it, something changes, you find yourself getting better, you find a light starting to kindle within you, you get a sense of accomplishment. It gives you a kind of relief which is a lot many times better than typing it and saving your face. When you say it, there's a genuineness that is absent when you text it. The expressions, sighs explain every damn thing better than the smiley faces and string of dots.  I just can't explain it any better.

I, myself, am guilty of "text"ing all the important things I wanted to say. May it be an overwhelming thank you or a really heartfelt apology, or may it be some incident I wanted to explain or worst of it, may it be my confessions. There's a part of me who knows that if I had talked these things face to face, the situations today would have been greatly different, not that I am complaining, but still.. I can't stop myself from snatching a few moments of regret, especially now that I know what power it holds. I would have been a lot better friends with a few of the excellent people out there, if instead of having weird texting conversations, I would have called and talk. Afterall its easier to think of something to say when you are actually talking, without any buffer time to think..;) Things are much more genuine then.. :P It has so much strength that it can make two people narrating these "texts" dangerously connected. Well, story for another day.. ;) :P

I am sure, not many of you will get what I am trying to say and I don't know why I end up every time like I am giving a sermon, but I prefer not to think about it.. :P I really want people to get to talk than whatsapp or text, and more than for you all, it has a bit selfish motive here. Well, as far as the experiments have gone, I haven't been much successful.. :P But no worries, I can't stay quiet all throughout the life, it's just a matter of time before I find the courage. Its not some life threatening situation, but something that's difficult, just because I am not used to it. And I was surprised to find a thing so native to human beings become such an issue, not even a recognised one. Nowadays, you want to propose someone, what you do is whatsapp him/her and keep on checking the seen ticks and last seens, you want to feel secure about your bf/crush, all you do is keep on texting him/her day in and day out. Now toh the extent of importance and priorities depend on the speed of the person replying back, no offence.. ;) :P

So all in all, I think you get the point now. Just try it and it will make a difference. Maybe stop us all from the illusionary bubbles when form around while talking using social media. Get up, go to the nearest coffee shop and talk... Talk.. Afterall, no one can be sure of anything happening while whatsapping, but of course, its proven that, a lot can happen over a coffee.. ;)

Good luck folks... :D

PS- I have no idea why have I written this even after debating with myself about it being stupid. Just felt like it, so please bear.

And please keep on sending the love, suggestions, queries and criticisms on Anything you wish to share just mail it to me. You won't be judged ;) 

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