Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Like the old husband & wifey!

We are like the old husband & wife
We just skipped the part where we marry
or flirt & have that first touch
or first kiss, or that moment which lets you know
that it is your forever in this life...

We are like the old husband & wife,
who can understand each other
with just a glance...
One look & I know that
you are annoyed or embarrassed or angry..
And I exactly know what to say <3

We are like the old husband & wife,
who know each other's favorites
and how they like their room
their side of the bed....
Each other's first & fantasies,
each other's darkest secrets & moments...

We are like the old husband & wife,
who didn't live under the same roof,
because they couldn't stand each other now?
or because the sex wasn't too good?
Or because they were meant to be with other people....

We are like those old husbands & wives,
people know should be together,
they know they should be together,
but I guess, we will never know
that why after years of marriage-
Why they weren't together?

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